Three Windowpanes
Three Windowpanes
By willjxn
When I awake, when I arise,
Before the sun can flood the skies,
Prepare the home with light to bide,
The curtains are drawn open wide.
Standing at the morningside,
I greet the day, my memories glide.
I’m standing at my home of youth,
With memories of love and truth.
The morning window sets the day,
At breakfast time we kneel to pray,
We rise to eat our cream on mush,
Words from God, now break the hush.
The morning window is a port,
To watch the animals at court.
The agile, calf-lings at their play,
The springing lambs at end of day.
This mourning window frames a time,
The cry of death would sound its chime,
I see my parents bent in grief,
I cling to them to gain relief.
Through this window, see the rain,
The sun comes out and lights the pain.
Casts a rainbow cross the sky,
A red winged blackbird chortles “hi.”
Morning window’s table twin ,
Flattop Mesa draped so thin ,
Golden mantel, evening hue,
Then to purple, fades from view.
To the living room I walk,
Just in time to hear him talk,
From this window, Dad’s advice,
“Forgive! or you will pay the price!”
Even in the dark of night,
My Daddy’s lessons flood with light,
By this window, prayer is taught,
Kneeling souls, God’s grace is sought.
From this window I would view,
Raking hay, in morning dew,
Daddy makes his blocks of green,
Stacked to save for wintering.
This southern pane of winter light,
Warms my souls with all its might.
Christmas music echos strong,
Mom is playing, sing along!
There the window frames a seen,
A struggling eagle fills the screen.
The winter wind, this bird doth fight,
Gaining power, to victory flight.
Turning to the north I face,
This windowpane, is draped in lace.
Framed in coolness of the day,
The road that takes us all away.
In its gentleness of light,
Friends and family come in sight,
My voice rings out, “they’re here! hurray!”
The door swings wide to yesterday.
Cars and tractors slow and fast,
Travel on in seasons past,
In a rush to reach the end,
This windowpane through time I wend.
Three windowpanes, I’ve shared their views,
The light they shed to help me muse.
My windowpanes of crystal grace,
Transcend the walls of time and space.
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