The Best Gift
By Will Jackson
It isn’t the bow that you put on a box,
Or a bunch of small things that you shove in some socks.
It isn’t the hours of shopping you;ve done,
The object for somebody's love you have won.
It isn’t the hustle and bustle of us,
The buying of things that eventually rust.
The something you give that will count more than gold,
That will lighten the world that will never grow old,
Isn’t a thing you can hang on a tree
You can put in a box you can buy you and me.
It’s the gift that when given, you give to yourself,
A gift that’s the envy of angel and elf.
It’s the everyday sign that you’ve lived a good life,
That you’ve put away greed, and unrighteous strife.
And when it’s all over, you’re laid in your place,
In life and at death, give the smile on your face.
changes have been made to the appearance of this blog.